Description: It deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points. It deals with SnT (Science and Technology) portion of CSE- both prelims and mains. It talks about general perception of science among public at large, why is it part of syllabus, use of e-governance, classification of all the sciences on the basis of scale at which it operates, syllabus of prelims and mains according to UPSC notification, Resources of SnT in decreasing order of importance, topics to be read from class XI and XII PCB NCERT, sections to be avoided, 4 types of questions from SnT section and ending with some eye openers points.
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